SkipperGuide:Interne Dokumentation/Google Sitemaps

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Google Sitemaps unterstützen den googlebot bei der Seitenindizierung.


(Stündlicher Aufruf, inkl. Backup-Aufruf)


#min  hour  day  month  dow  user  command
# Command jede Stunde ausführen:
 0     *     *     *     *       /hp/aa/ac/dm/www/backup/doit
 0     *     *     *     *       /hp/aa/ac/dm/www/sitemaps/doit


(Skript zum Aufruf des Sitemaps-Generators)

/usr/bin/php /hp/aa/ac/dm/www/mediawiki/maintenance/generateSitemap.php --fspath=/hp/aa/ac/dm/www/ -path=/hp/aa/ac/dm/www/mediawiki --compress=no

== maintenance/generateSitemaps.php == (siehe sourceforge)

Ergänzen folgender Zeile (quick-hack, weil TS_ISO_8601 in aktueller mediawiki-Version nicht definiert ist)

define('TS_ISO_8601_FOR_GOOGLE_SITEMAP_HACK', 99); // quick hack


Ergänzen folgender Zeilen (8601-Timestamp-Format, welches von Google-Sitemaps akzeptiert wird):

function wfTimestamp($outputtype=TS_UNIX,$ts=0) {
       $uts = 0;
      switch($outputtype) {
              case TS_UNIX:
                      return $uts;
>             case TS_ISO_8601_FOR_GOOGLE_SITEMAP_HACK: // quick hack
>                     return gmdate( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s+02:00', $uts ); // +02:00: MESZ
                      // liegt ein Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft, 
                      // wird der mit "invalid date" abgewiesen
                      wfDebugDieBacktrace( 'wfTimestamp() called with illegal output type.');


hacked Script

define( 'GS_MAIN', -2 );
define( 'GS_TALK', -1 );
define('TS_ISO_8601_FOR_GOOGLE_SITEMAP_HACK', 99); // quick hack

 * Creates a Google sitemap for the site
 * @package MediaWiki
 * @subpackage Maintenance
 * @copyright Copyright © 2005, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
 * @copyright Copyright © 2005, Jens Frank <>
 * @copyright Copyright © 2005, Brion Vibber <>
 * @link
 * @link
 * @license GNU General Public License 2.0 or later

class GenerateSitemap {
	 * The maximum amount of urls in a sitemap file
	 * @link
	 * @var int
	var $url_limit;

	 * The maximum size of a sitemap file
	 * @link
	 * @var int
	var $size_limit;

	 * The path to prepend to the filename
	 * @var string
	var $fspath;

	 * The path to append to the domain name
	 * @var string
	var $path;

	 * Whether or not to use compression
	 * @var bool
	var $compress;

	 * The number of entries to save in each sitemap file
	 * @var array
	var $limit = array();

	 * Key => value entries of namespaces and their priorities
	 * @var array
	var $priorities = array(
		// Custom main namespaces
		GS_MAIN			=> '0.5',
		// Custom talk namesspaces
		GS_TALK			=> '0.1',
		// MediaWiki standard namespaces
		NS_MAIN			=> '1.0',
		NS_TALK			=> '0.1',
		NS_USER			=> '0.5',
		NS_USER_TALK		=> '0.1',
		NS_PROJECT		=> '0.5',
		NS_PROJECT_TALK		=> '0.1',
		NS_IMAGE		=> '0.5',
		NS_IMAGE_TALK		=> '0.1',
		NS_MEDIAWIKI		=> '0.0',
		NS_TEMPLATE		=> '0.0',
		NS_TEMPLATE_TALK	=> '0.1',
		NS_HELP			=> '0.5',
		NS_HELP_TALK		=> '0.1',
		NS_CATEGORY		=> '0.5',
		NS_CATEGORY_TALK	=> '0.1',

	 * A one-dimensional array of namespaces in the wiki
	 * @var array
	var $namespaces = array();

	 * When this sitemap batch was generated
	 * @var string
	var $timestamp;

	 * A database slave object
	 * @var object
	var $dbr;

	 * A resource pointing to the sitemap index file
	 * @var resource
	var $findex;

	 * A resource pointing to a sitemap file
	 * @var resource
	var $file;

	 * A resource pointing to php://stderr
	 * @var resource
	var $stderr;

	 * Constructor
	 * @param string $fspath The path to prepend to the filenames, used to
	 *                     save them somewhere else than in the root directory
	 * @param string $path The path to append to the domain name
	 * @param bool $compress Whether to compress the sitemap files
	function GenerateSitemap( $fspath, $path, $compress ) {
		global $wgDBname, $wgScriptPath;

		$this->url_limit = 50000;
		$this->size_limit = pow( 2, 20 ) * 10;
		$this->fspath = isset( $fspath ) ? $fspath : '';
		$this->path = isset( $path ) ? $path : $wgScriptPath;
		$this->compress = $compress;

		$this->stderr = fopen( 'php://stderr', 'wt' );
		$this->dbr =& wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
		$this->timestamp = wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601_FOR_GOOGLE_SITEMAP_HACK, wfTimestampNow() );
		$this->findex = fopen( "{$this->fspath}sitemap-index-$wgDBname.xml", 'wb' );

	 * Generate a one-dimensional array of existing namespaces
	function generateNamespaces() {
		$fname = 'GenerateSitemap::generateNamespaces';

		$res = $this->dbr->select( 'page',
			array( 'page_namespace' ),
				'GROUP BY' => 'page_namespace',
				'ORDER BY' => 'page_namespace',

		while ( $row = $this->dbr->fetchObject( $res ) )
			$this->namespaces[] = $row->page_namespace;

	 * Get the priority of a given namespace
	 * @param int $namespace The namespace to get the priority for
	 * @return string

	function priority( $namespace ) {
		return isset( $this->priorities[$namespace] ) ? $this->priorities[$namespace] : $this->guessPriority( $namespace );

	 * If the namespace isn't listed on the priority list return the
	 * default priority for the namespace, varies depending on whether it's
	 * a talkpage or not.
	 * @param int $namespace The namespace to get the priority for
	 * @return string
	function guessPriority( $namespace ) {
		return Namespace::isMain( $namespace ) ? $this->priorities[GS_MAIN] : $this->priorities[GS_TALK];

	 * Return a database resolution of all the pages in a given namespace
	 * @param int $namespace Limit the query to this namespace
	 * @return resource
	function getPageRes( $namespace ) {
		$fname = 'GenerateSitemap::getPageRes';

		return $this->dbr->select( 'page',
			array( 'page_namespace' => $namespace ),

	 * Main loop
	 * @access public
	function main() {
		global $wgDBname, $wgContLang;

		fwrite( $this->findex, $this->openIndex() );

		foreach ( $this->namespaces as $namespace ) {
			$res = $this->getPageRes( $namespace );
			$this->file = false;
			$this->generateLimit( $namespace );
			$length = $this->limit[0];
			$i = $smcount = 0;

			$fns = $wgContLang->getFormattedNsText( $namespace );
			$this->debug( "$namespace ($fns)" );
			while ( $row = $this->dbr->fetchObject( $res ) ) {
				if ( $i++ === 0 || $i === $this->url_limit + 1 || $length + $this->limit[1] + $this->limit[2] > $this->size_limit ) {
					if ( $this->file !== false ) {
						$this->write( $this->file, $this->closeFile() );
						$this->close( $this->file );
					$filename = $this->sitemapFilename( $namespace, $smcount++ );
					$this->file = $this->open( $this->fspath . $filename, 'wb' );
					$this->write( $this->file, $this->openFile() );
					fwrite( $this->findex, $this->indexEntry( $filename ) );
					$this->debug( "\t$filename" );
					$length = $this->limit[0];
					$i = 1;
				$title = Title::makeTitle( $row->page_namespace, $row->page_title );
				$date = wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601_FOR_GOOGLE_SITEMAP_HACK, $row->page_touched );
				$entry = $this->fileEntry( $title->getFullURL(), $date, $this->priority( $namespace ) );
				$length += strlen( $entry );
				$this->write( $this->file, $entry );
			if ( $this->file ) {
				$this->write( $this->file, $this->closeFile() );
				$this->close( $this->file );
		fwrite( $this->findex, $this->closeIndex() );
		fclose( $this->findex );

	 * gzopen() / fopen() wrapper
	 * @return resource
	function open( $file, $flags ) {
		return $this->compress ? gzopen( $file, $flags ) : fopen( $file, $flags );

	 * gzwrite() / fwrite() wrapper
	function write( &$handle, $str ) {
		if ( $this->compress )
			gzwrite( $handle, $str );
			fwrite( $handle, $str );

	 * gzclose() / fclose() wrapper
	function close( &$handle ) {
		if ( $this->compress )
			gzclose( $handle );
			fclose( $handle );

	 * Get a sitemap filename
	 * @static
	 * @param int $namespace The namespace
	 * @param int $count The count
	 * @return string
	function sitemapFilename( $namespace, $count ) {
		global $wgDBname;

		$ext = $this->compress ? '.gz' : '';

		return "sitemap-$wgDBname-NS_$namespace-$count.xml$ext";

	 * Return the XML required to open an XML file
	 * @static
	 * @return string
	function xmlHead() {
		return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n";

	 * Return the XML schema being used
	 * @static
	 * @returns string
	function xmlSchema() {
		return '';

	 * Return the XML required to open a sitemap index file
	 * @return string
	function openIndex() {
		return $this->xmlHead() . '<sitemapindex xmlns="' . $this->xmlSchema() . '">' . "\n";

	 * Return the XML for a single sitemap indexfile entry
	 * @static
	 * @param string $filename The filename of the sitemap file
	 * @return string
	function indexEntry( $filename ) {
			"\t<sitemap>\n" .
			"\t\t<loc>$filename</loc>\n" .
			"\t\t<lastmod>{$this->timestamp}</lastmod>\n" .

	 * Return the XML required to close a sitemap index file
	 * @static
	 * @return string
	function closeIndex() {
		return "</sitemapindex>\n";

	 * Return the XML required to open a sitemap file
	 * @return string
	function openFile() {
		return $this->xmlHead() . '<urlset xmlns="' . $this->xmlSchema() . '">' . "\n";

	 * Return the XML for a single sitemap entry
	 * @static
	 * @param string $url An RFC 2396 compilant URL
	 * @param string $date A ISO 8601 date
	 * @param string $priority A priority indicator, 0.0 - 1.0 inclusive with a 0.1 stepsize
	 * @return string
	function fileEntry( $url, $date, $priority ) {
			"\t<url>\n" .
			"\t\t<loc>$url</loc>\n" .
			"\t\t<lastmod>$date</lastmod>\n" .
			"\t\t<priority>$priority</priority>\n" .

	 * Return the XML required to close sitemap file
	 * @static
	 * @return string
	function closeFile() {
		return "</urlset>\n";

	 * Write a string to stderr followed by a UNIX newline
	function debug( $str ) {
		fwrite( $this->stderr, "$str\n" );

	 * Populate $this->limit
	function generateLimit( $namespace ) {
		$title = Title::makeTitle( $namespace, str_repeat( "\xf0\xa8\xae\x81", 63 ) . "\xe5\x96\x83" );

		$this->limit = array(
			strlen( $this->openFile() ),
			strlen( $this->fileEntry( $title->getFullUrl(), wfTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601_FOR_GOOGLE_SITEMAP_HACK, wfTimestamp() ), $this->priority( $namespace ) ) ),
			strlen( $this->closeFile() )

if ( in_array( '--help', $argv ) ) {
		"Usage: php generateSitemap.php [host] [options]\n" .
		"\thost = hostname\n" .
		"\toptions:\n" .
		"\t\t--help\tshow this message\n" .
		"\t\t--fspath\tThe file system path to save to, e.g /tmp/sitemap/\n" .
		"\t\t--path\tThe http path to use, e.g. /wiki\n" .
		"\t\t--compress=[yes|no]\tcompress the sitemap files, default yes\n";
	die( -1 );

if ( isset( $argv[1] ) && strpos( $argv[1], '--' ) !== 0 )
	$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = $argv[1];

$optionsWithArgs = array( 'fspath', 'path', 'compress' );
require_once '';

$gs = new GenerateSitemap( @$options['fspath'], @$options['path'],  @$options['compress'] !== 'no' );